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Residential Unit Type
Prayer Places & Mosques
Building Status
Building Characteristics
Opinion Polls Implementation Guide
Register Based Statistics
Statistical Survey Implementation Guide
Statistical Indicators Metadata Preparation Guide
Statistical Analysis Principles Guide
Statistical Data Quality Framework
Statistical Data Editing Guide
Statistical Sampling Guide
Official Statistics in Abu Dhabi
Process and analyze – From Data to Statistics According to GSBPM
National Standards for Statistical Data
Government Financial Statistics
European Waste Classification
Energy Product
Research And Development Survey Methodology
International Trade
Individual Consumption (COICOP)
Non-Profit Institutions (COPNI)
Indicative Crop (ICC)
Harmonized Commodity (HS)
Foreign Investment Survey Methodology
Relationship To Workforce
Climate Statistics Methodology
Environment Survey 2015 Quality Statement​​
Environment Survey Quality Statement 2013
Energy Survey Methodology
Environment Survey Quality Statement -2014​
Environment Survey Quality Statement 2013
Environment Survey Quality Statement 2012​​​
Annual Environmental Survey Methodology
Household Income And Expenditure Survey Methodology
Labor Force Survey Methodology
Relationship To Workforce